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General configuration is grouped in the [tool.changelog_gen] section of pyproject.toml.

Simple configuration

current_version = "1.2.3"
reject_empty = true
allowed_branches = [

filename = ""


default: True

Commit changes to the changelog (and configured files) after writing.

Also available as --commit/--no-commit (e.g. changelog generate --commit)


default: True

Tag the committed changes with the new version.

Also available as --tag/--no-tag (e.g. changelog generate --tag)


default: True

Modify version strings in configured files.

Also available as --release/--no-release (e.g. changelog generate --release)


default: True

Open proposed changes in an editor before writing to changelog.

Also available as --interactive/--no-interactive (e.g. changelog generate --interactive)


default: False

Don't abort if the current branch contains uncommitted changes

Also available as --allow-dirty (e.g. changelog generate --allow-dirty)


default: False

Don't abort if the local and remote branches are out of sync.

Also available as --allow-missing (e.g. changelog generate --allow-missing)


default: False

Abort if there are no release notes to add to the change log.

Also available as --reject-empty (e.g. changelog generate --reject-empty)


default: False

Output commit message statistics summary to screen after changelog generation.

Also available as --statistics (e.g. changelog generate --statistics)


default: v{new_version}

Format for the version tag, this will be passed into changelog, commit messages, and any post processing.


version_string = "{new_version}"


default: None

Add a date on the version line, use strftime and strptime format codes. The format string can include any character, a space is included between the version tag and the date tag.

Also available in cli as --date-format (e.g. --date-format '%Y-%m-%d').


date_format = "on %Y-%m-%d"

default: None

Define new footer parsers, or override builtin footer parsers (Authors, Refs). Footer parsers accepts a list of regexes to parse a footer and return a match with the footer, the separator, and the footer value.


footer_parsers = [
    r"(Refs)(: )(#?[\w-]+)",
    r"(closes)( )(#[\w-]+)",
    r"(Authors)(: )(.*)",


default: None

Define parsers to extract information from footers and store them on the change object. Extractors should used named groups in regex expressions, this groups are the key to retrieve the information later in link generation or post processing. Extractors find all matches in a footer, so will be a list of all matched values. Refs: 1, 2 will be parsed as {"issue_ref": ["1", "2"]} for example.

The footer configuration can be a single footer, or a list of related footers.


footer = "Refs"
pattern = '(?P<issue_ref>\d+)'

footer = ["closes", "fixes"]
pattern = '#(?P<issue_ref>\d+)'

default: None

Make use of extracted information to generate links to different content. Define an extraction source, provide a regex pattern to extract information from the footer, and define the link format, optionally define the link text format. Link text will default to the extracted information.

A special source __change__ is provided to generate links using information directly from the change object (namely commit hashes).

Where an extraction contains multiple values, a link for each match will be created. This allows adding links to multiple authors from the Author footer for example.


source = "issue_ref"
link = "{0}"

source = "__change__"
link = "{0.commit_hash}"
text = "{0.short_hash}"


default: None

Prevent changelog being generated if the current branch is not in the supplied list. By default all branches are allowed.


allowed_branches = [


default: None

Provide new commit types to support, along with the header to group them under All custom types will default to patch semver as well, to configure additional types to be treated as minor see minor_regex


commit_types = [
    {"type" = "feat", "header" = "New Features"},
    {"type" = "change", "header" = "Changes"},
    {"type" = "remove", "header" = "Removals"},
    {"type" = "fix", "header" = "Bugfixes"},
Run `changelog config` to see the existing configuration.


default: None

Provide a new type match regex for which types should be treated as features and trigger a minor bump.


minor_regex = "feat|remove"
See `changelog config` for the existing configuration.


default: None

Run additional hooks when generating a release, this allows regenerating automated documentation during release process, for example.


hooks = [


default: None

Arbitrary configuration that can be used in hooks.


key = "value"
a_list = ["key", "key2"]


default: None

Customise how changelog entries are formatted, uses Jinja2 formatting.

The template will provided with the change object and can render all extracted information as desired. For readability the template can be split over multiple lines, it will be flattened before it is rendered to generate a single line entry.


change_template = """
-{% if change.scope %} (`{{change.scope}}`){% endif %}
{% if change.breaking %} **Breaking**{% endif %}
 {{ change.description }}
{% for footer in change.footers %}{% if footer.footer == "Authors"%} {{footer.value}}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% for link in change.links %} [[{{ link.text }}]({{ }})]{% endfor %}

This can be tested using an example commit with the command

$ changelog test [COMMITHASH] --template change


default: None

Customise how release entries are formatted, uses Jinja2 formatting.

The template will provided with the release version string, and a dictionary of headers and related changes, changes have a rendered property containing the output of the configured change_template for that change.


release_template = """## {{ version_string }}

{% for header, changes in group_changes.items() -%}
### {{ header }}

{% for change in changes -%}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

This can be tested using an commits since a specific hash with the command

$ changelog test [COMMITHASH] --template release


Versioning configuration is very similar to bump-my-version, but with a few simplifications.

The default configuration will support the typical semver use case of X.Y.Z version strings.


default: None

The minimum required configuration to manage versions is the current version, which can be moved directly from [tool.bumpversion]

current_version = "1.2.3"


default: None

If multiple files have the current version string in them, they can be configured for replacement.

Where the version string can safely be replaced with the default pattern {version}, use:

filename = ""

For files that might contain other version strings that could match and shouldn't be updated, a search/replace pattern can be configured.

filename = "pyproject.toml"
pattern = 'version = "{version}"'


default: false

Allow pre-release flows.

Also available as --pre-release/--no-pre-release (e.g. changelog generate --pre-release)


default: None

Configure which components trigger a pre-release flow.


pre_release_components = ["major", "minor"]


default: (?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)\.(?P<patch>\d+)

The parser is used to extract the existing semver components from the current version configuration.

If you want to support a pre-release flow, configure a parser a new parser for the custom components you require.


parser = '''(?x)
        (?P<pre_l>[a-zA-Z-]+)         # pre-release label
        (?P<pre_n>0|[1-9]\d*)         # pre-release version number
    )?                                # pre-release section is optional


default: ["{major}.{minor}.{patch}"]

The serialisers should be defined from most greedy to least in the case where there are optional components.


serialisers = [


default: None

Where custom components have been defined, if a component uses non integer values the valid values can be defined.

When the release component reaches the end of the configured component parts, the optional components will be dropped.


pre_l = ["dev", "rc"]


default: False

Enforce strict rules based on SemVer 2.0.0 and error if non conforming parser or serialisers are configured.



default: False

Strip the (#\d+) from the end of github PR commit descriptions.


strip_pr_from_description = true


default: False

Extract the (#\d+) from the end of github PR commit descriptions, and track it as a footer for later extraction and link generation. Creates a PR footer entry.


extract_pr_from_description = true


default: False

Extract supported keyword footers from github commits, closes #1 etc.

Supported footers can be found here.


extract_common_footers = true

Post processing


default: None

Configure a REST API to contact when a release is made

See example on below Jira configuration information.


default: None
The url to contact. Can have the placeholders ::issue_ref:: and `::version::``.


default: POST
HTTP method to use.


default: {"body": "Released on {{ version }}"}
The text to send to the API. Can have the placeholders * source (usually the issue ref from the extracted information) * version the version being released * Any extracted key from defined extractors that had a match.


default: None
Headers dictionary to inject into http requests.


default: basic
Auth type to use for post process requests, supported options are basic, aws4, and bearer.


default: None
Name of the environment variable to use to extract the basic auth information to contact the API.

  • For basic auth the content of the variable should be {user}:{api key}.
  • For bearer auth the content of the variable should be {api key}.
  • For signed aws4 auth the content of the variable should be {access_key_id}:{secret_access_key}:{service_name}:{region}.

Post process example

Example to post to JIRA:

link_generator.source = "issue_ref" = "{0}/comment"
verb = "POST"
body = '{"body": "Released on {{ version }}"}'
auth_env = "JIRA_AUTH"
headers."content-type" = "application/json"

This assumes an environment variable JIRA_AUTH with the content{api_key}. See manage-api-tokens-for-your-atlassian-account to generate a key.

For simpler testing of post process flows, the url and auth env can be provided on the command line as --post-process-url and --post-process-auth-env (e.g. changelog generate --post-process-url 'http://my-api-url.domain/comment/::issue_ref::' --post-process-auth-env MY_API_AUTH)