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Semantic Versioning

At the core of changelog-gen is the version detection and generation logic, check here for details on semantic versioning.

Version generation

changelog-gen uses conventional commit types and its own configuration to determine what type of release to trigger based on the commits since the last release.


Any breaking change will trigger a major release, unless the package is in the initial 0.y.z development release. In commit terms, any commit message with a ! suffix in the type, or BREAKING CHANGE in the footers is considered a breaking change.


New features, will trigger a minor release (or patch while in the development release). Feature commits are determined by the feat type, or any other type that has been configured with the semver type of minor. See commit_types for details on custom type configuration.


All other commit types are treated as patch releases.

Typical release flow

The default versioning parser is (?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)\.(?P<patch>\d+), with the matching serialiser {major}.{minor}.{patch}. This will support the typical semver use case of X.Y.Z version strings.

Prerelease flows

If you want to support a pre-release flow, configure a parser, suitable serialisers, and any custom components (non incrementing integers).

current_version = "0.0.0"
pre_release = true
parser = '''(?x)
        (?P<pre_l>[a-zA-Z-]+)         # pre-release label
        (?P<pre_n>0|[1-9]\d*)         # pre-release version number
    )?                                # pre-release section is optional
serialisers = [

parts.pre_l = ["dev", "rc"]

In the above example on creating a major/minor/patch release, the pre_l component will increment to the initial value dev, and pre_n will be 0.

  • 0.0.0
  • 0.0.0 → 0.0.1-dev0 [changelog generate]
  • 0.0.1-dev0 → 0.0.1-dev1 [changelog generate --version-part pre_n]
  • 0.0.1-dev1 → 0.0.1-rc0 [changelog generate --version-part pre_l]
  • 0.0.1-rc → 0.0.1 [changelog generate --version-part pre_l]

When the release component reaches the end of the configured component parts, the optional components will be dropped.

Prerelease flows are triggered on major, minor, and patch releases. If you only wanted them to occur on major releases, use the pre_release_components configuration.

They are also disabled by default, so configure [tool.changelog_gen.pre_release] or use --prerelease override on the command line.

Strict validation

By default, parsers and serialisers that do not strictly adhere to SemVer 2.0.0 are supported, but if you wish, strict validation can be enforced. If enabled the tool will error if an incorrect parser, serialiser or component configuration is provided.